Commands Description
$search Search for questions on stackoverflow by just typing $search ``your question``
$movie Get movie suggestions from our bot by just typing in $movie
$shows Get TV-series suggestions from our bot by just typing in $movie
$anime Get anime suggestions from our bot by just typing in $movie
!join Let the bot join your voice chat
!play Play a music by just typing in !play ``song name``
!pause Pause the music by just typing in !pause
!resume Resume the music by just typing in !resume
!leave Remove the bot from the voice room by just typing in !leave
!queue Displays the playlist
!skip Skip the music and move on to the next song in the playlist by typing in !skip
$inspire Sends motivational quotes
$tech_pics Sends technology stack images
$tech_meme Sends memes related to programming
$anime_pics Sends anime images on command
$anime_memes Sends anime memes on command
$rule Displays the rules by typing in $rule ``any number from 1-6``
$d It can delete the messages above by just typing in $d ``i`` where i is the number of messages you want to delete